Live fuller for longer
Sylvia Toh Paik Choo

Sylvia Toh Paik Choo

Oldest teenager in town and grandmother of Singlish.
Works in print and broadcast media. She has published books. She wrote Eh Goondu! and Lagi Goondu!.
She is a general nuisance. And sometimes a colonel one.

Overtourism And The ABCs Of Travelling

Overtourism And The ABCs Of Travelling

Sylvia Toh Paik Choo gives her satirical take on the modern travel while being caught in overtourism while on her first European vacation in years.

Year Of The Dragon Tales With Sylvia Toh

Year Of The Dragon Tales With Sylvia Toh

Not one to bow to custom, Sylvia Toh takes you on a merry journey through the animal kingdom of the Chinese Zodiac, extolling fortunes for the Year of the Dragon.

Make Your Own Mickey Mouse Production

Make Your Own Mickey Mouse Production

As Mickey Mouse turns 94, his character steps into public domain. With the rise of AI, could all the art forms that are in the public domain be mashed into something special…?

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