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Dear Silvers: Stop Texting Like A Boomer

Dear Silvers: Stop Texting Like A Boomer

It’s no secret that seniors and the young generations are texting in a very different way. But how can you avoid being labelled a boomer with your texting style? Let’s find out in this first edition of Dear Silvers.

Find the Perfect Cruise for Your Next Holiday

Find The Perfect Cruise For Your Next Holiday

Cruising 101: everything you need to know before you go. From choosing the right cruise that suits your needs, to tips from booking to planning, to different types of cruises.

We Do It Our Way!!!

We Do It Our Way!!!

When the youngsters try to impose themselves on the silver generation, there will be pushback. Sylvia Toh Paik Choo puts a few of them in place with some sharp comebacks.

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We’re a community created by silvers for silvers, brought together by a sense of curiosity and desire to live the next phase of our lives with joy and purpose. Expect useful tips and uncommon wisdom to enjoy living fuller for longer.

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