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On Ageing Athletes And Musicians: Better To Burn Out Than To Fade Away?

On Ageing Athletes And Musicians: Better To Burn Out Than To Fade Away?

Athletes still plugging away at their sport long after their prime can make for difficult watching. When it comes to musicians, who have longer lifespans, would watching an octogenarian be as captivating as catching them in their youth? R Sivanithy asks if it’s better to fade away or burn out.

Silver Spotlight: Sweet Charity Still Rocking After 5 Decades

Silver Spotlight: Sweet Charity Still Rocking After 5 Decades

Songs like Kamelia, Ribut 10:59 Pagi, Teratai, Musibah and many others, made Sweet Charity a rock phenomenon that has prevailed for more than 5 decades. The band will celebrate their longevity at the Star Vista Auditorium this Saturday.

The Sound Of Music - Where Old Tech Meets New Tech

The Sound Of Music – Where Old Tech Meets New Tech

Ever wonder why the same piece of music can sound so different from system to system? It could be the type of equipment used or where they come from, but the rise of technology has made music more portable and enjoyable for everyone.

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