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Cheo Hock Kuan: It’s Never Too Late To Take Up Pilates

Cheo Hock Kuan: It’s Never Too Late To Take Up Pilates

Cheo Hock Kuan retired from corporate life to focus more on her well-being. Her involvement with Pilates turned into a business, and at HER Wellness Club she encourages women to age gracefully and enjoy their wellness journey.

Visit Johor Bahru For Only 99 cents

Visit Johor Bahru For Only 99 Cents

If you want to stretch your dollar, hop on a bus to Johor Bahru for 99 cents and gorge yourself on an array of street food. We give you a step-by-step account with tips.

Tying The Silver Knot

Tying The Silver Knot

As silvers who have been around the block a few times and loved and lost in the process, the chances of finding an ideal partner late in life is an unexpected gift to grab.

Grandparents For A Different Age

Grandparents For A Different Age

Being a grandparent is an evolving role. How you interacted with your grandparents isn’t how you interact with your grandchildren.

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We’re a community created by silvers for silvers, brought together by a sense of curiosity and desire to live the next phase of our lives with joy and purpose. Expect useful tips and uncommon wisdom to enjoy living fuller for longer.

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