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Telunas Private Island: No Wi-Fi, No Problem

Telunas Private Island: No Wi-Fi, No Problem

Letting go of your mobile device, because there’s no wi-fi, keeps you grounded and in the moment, which is a great way to enjoy a private island holiday on the eco resort on Telunas.

Find the Perfect Cruise for Your Next Holiday

Find The Perfect Cruise For Your Next Holiday

Cruising 101: everything you need to know before you go. From choosing the right cruise that suits your needs, to tips from booking to planning, to different types of cruises.

Postcard From A New Home In New Zealand

Postcard From A New Home In New Zealand

Khadijah MacKenzie takes up residence in Canterbury, New Zealand, home of her husband, where she enjoys a new way of living as she explores nature and moves at a more measured pace.

Visit Johor Bahru For Only 99 cents

Visit Johor Bahru For Only 99 Cents

If you want to stretch your dollar, hop on a bus to Johor Bahru for 99 cents and gorge yourself on an array of street food. We give you a step-by-step account with tips.

Treasures from Exploring Hanoi’s Old Quarter on Foot

Treasures From Exploring Hanoi’s Old Quarter on Foot

Strolling through the streets of a city gives unique perspectives of the culture, cuisine and crafts. You get to meet people up-close and take in the smells of the city. Noise levels are high in Hanoi, especially while you’re trying to cross the streets whilst being honked at by free-wheeling motorbikes and cars.

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We’re a community created by silvers for silvers, brought together by a sense of curiosity and desire to live the next phase of our lives with joy and purpose. Expect useful tips and uncommon wisdom to enjoy living fuller for longer.

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