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The Next Frontier: Tackling Health Span For A Longer, Better Life

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The Next Frontier: Tackling Health Span For A Longer, Better Life
Singapore, recently designated as one of the world’s new “blue zones” by American longevity researcher Dan Buettner, might soon be home to one of the longest living populations on the planet.
Our life expectancy of 84.9 years (according to the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study) is stellar and reflective of nationwide efforts to create a comprehensive healthcare system.
Less worthy of celebration is our healthy life expectancy, clocking in at just 73.9 years. This figure means that people in Singapore, on average, spend more than a decade of their lives in poor health, while enjoying correspondingly lower quality of life.
This lost decade needs to be dealt with, even if there is no quick and easy answer. After all, living a long and healthy life begins with the basics: Living a healthy lifestyle, fostering good social connections, and consuming a balanced, nutritious diet.
In the cases where daily meals can’t deliver the vitamins and minerals our bodies demand, supplements from longstanding brands like Kordel’s can help plug the gaps.
Kordel’s is a brand with almost 75 years of history
The Next Frontier: Tackling Health Span For A Longer, Better Life - Dr Lelord Kordel
Kordel’s was founded by Dr Lelord Kordel, a Polish-American nutritionist, in 1949.
The health supplement company was founded in 1949 by Polish-American nutritionist Dr Lelord Kordel, a strong advocate for holistic wellness decades before it even became a buzzword.
The longtime believer that a healthy life stemmed first and foremost from a nutritious diet began his career in the 1930s as an independent researcher, developing nutritional programmes and dietary supplementation concepts that were revolutionary in his day.
His contributions to the “Food and Nutrition for Victory” programmes during World War II earned him several awards, spurring the nutritionist to step into the public eye when he began travelling to educate the public on his nutrition and diet philosophy.
He even advised prominent film stars of the era like Raquel Welch, Gloria Swanson and sisters Zsa Zsa and Eva Gabor on the topic of healthy living and nutrition.
These experiences eventually spurred the nutritionist to start his health company, then-titled Kordel’s Nutritionals, while simultaneously authoring 19 books elucidating his philosophy.
Their pithy titles – Health the Easy Way (1946), Eat Your Troubles Away (1955) and Cook Right – Live Longer (1962) – all point to Dr Kordel’s overarching ethos that eating right forms the basis of living right.
He was so confident in his philosophies that he once told The Straits Times in a 1962 interview that he’d never been ill and would live to the age of 120 due to his diet.
Based in Singapore
The Next Frontier: Tackling Health Span For A Longer, Better Life - Kordel Supplements
Kordel’s boasts a vibrant mix of vitamins and supplements.
Although Dr Kordel passed on at the respectable age of 92, his legacy continues to lives on in Kordel’s.
Its slogan, Health the Easy Way still references the title of his first authored book, reflecting the brand’s commitment to help customers improve their health with innovative, research-based products that are safe to consume.
Based in Singapore, the company adheres strictly to local and international scientific standards in product testing and selection.
This includes the United States’ Food and Drug Administration’s stamp of approval, as all products receive the Generally Recognised As Safe (GRAS) status before being approved for selection.
Thereafter, they are produced in accordance with international Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards, ensuring that only safe products reach pharmacy shelves.
The company continues to innovate and pioneer a comprehensive catalogue of products that can cater to the full spectrum of an individual’s health needs.
This includes vitamins and supplements that seek to boost the health of joints, bones and muscles, liver, heart and urinary function. There are also products targeted at fortifying immunity, improving sleep and boosting one’s energy and vitality.
As always, do remember to consult your physician before introducing supplements into your diet, as they can interfere with the intensity and efficacy of certain medicines.
Nonetheless, taking proactive steps to empower your health sooner, rather than later, on top of a well-balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, can put you in good stead to enjoy your golden years – and, hopefully, that last decade – with vitality and verve.
This article is created in collaboration with Kordel’s.

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