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Estate Planning For Peace Of Mind

Estate Planning For Peace Of Mind

If you have been thinking about drawing up your estate plan, but aren’t too sure how to go about it, here are some useful pointers.

Reflections on Dying with Dignity

Reflections On Dying With Dignity

The death of the family beagle gave rise to the question of the best way to approach dying, and living. SilverStreak looks at the issues and ways to prepare for the inevitability better.

Taking Care of End-of-Life Matters

Taking Care of End-of-Life Matters

Have you thought about how you would like your burial to be handled after you pass on? Yin Mee Cheah shares her reflections on this topic.

Why should I make a will?

Why should I make a will?

Former lawyer Jasmine Adams shares with us the important things to consider when writing a will

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We’re a community created by silvers for silvers, brought together by a sense of curiosity and desire to live the next phase of our lives with joy and purpose. Expect useful tips and uncommon wisdom to enjoy living fuller for longer.

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