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We Do It Our Way!!!

We Do It Our Way!!!

When the youngsters try to impose themselves on the silver generation, there will be pushback. Sylvia Toh Paik Choo puts a few of them in place with some sharp comebacks.

Singas And National Day Songs

Singas And National Day Songs

Before the refrain of the National Day song is put to bed for a year, here’s an opportunity to whip up your own moving tribute to Singapore, to be ready just in time for NDP 60!

The Prince and the Celebrity Pauper

The Prince And The Celebrity Pauper

With their royal plans in tatters, what are Prince Harry and Meghan Markle going to do next? Syliva Toh has a few plum jobs that she has identified for the couple in search of celebrity status.

Are the Best of Times Behind Us

Are The Best of Times Behind Us?

Sylvia Toh Paik-Choo laments some of the losses she’s encountered as she moves from the tactile to the digital world. A physical party has so much more to offer than a Zoom party. Real food, for one!

Cannes I Take Your Photo Please?

Cannes I Take Your Photo Please?

Sylvia Toh collects autographs and wefies with celebrities. Her methods may be old school in this age of smartphones and Photoshop but it’s all about the thrill of the chase.

Sylvia Toh Shoots With The Stars

Sylvia Toh Shoots With The Stars

Johnny Depp, Woody Allen, Michelle Yeoh…Sylvia Toh has reached for the stars and caught them on camera. She recalls tales from her star-struck days, including one from a million years ago, involving the late Raquel Welch.

ChatGPT Meets Adam and Eve

ChatGPT Meets Adam and Eve

How did Adam and Eve celebrate Valentine’s Day? Sylvia Toh asks ChatGPT tough questions and gets answers to chuckle at.

Arrows and Oranges

Arrows and Oranges

This one is for the lovers. Valentine’s Day and Chap Goh Meh have the same end game in sight. Singles watch out for mandarin oranges and Cupid’s arrows.

Donkey Fatt Choy!!

Donkey Fatt Choy!!

When relatives drop in unannounced, en masse, it makes Sylvia Toh see red. All those unexpected ang pows flying out of hand, along with food and her precious vase!

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We’re a community created by silvers for silvers, brought together by a sense of curiosity and desire to live the next phase of our lives with joy and purpose. Expect useful tips and uncommon wisdom to enjoy living fuller for longer.

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