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Make Your Own Mickey Mouse Production

Make Your Own Mickey Mouse Production

As Mickey Mouse turns 94, his character steps into public domain. With the rise of AI, could all the art forms that are in the public domain be mashed into something special…?

Goodbye UNCLE - David McCallum Bows Out

Goodbye UNCLE – David McCallum Bows Out

The death of David McCallum brings to an end the long career of the Scottish actor who rose to fame as the spy Illya Kuriyakin in the TV series The Man From U.N.C.L.E. Spy movies have changed over the years, but the old series still have a charm about them that have been lost in today’s slick productions.

Stepping Out Of The Shadow

Stepping Out Of The Shadow

Playwright Ovidia Yu uses historical events and some speculation to put Mrs Lee Kuan Yew in the spotlight in her play Kwa Geok Choo, which opens on 8 July.

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