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I’m Not Ready To Die: Living Life To The Fullest In Your Silver Years

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I'm Not Ready To Die: Living Life To The Fullest In Your Silver Years
Credit: Josephine Chia
It is obvious that as seniors, we have to maintain our mobility and exercise to keep our physical bodies fit. However, without sounding pessimistic, my philosophy is that no matter how much we may exercise, at our age, the corporeal body is on a course of deterioration towards our final demise. Such is the fact of life. We can’t kid ourselves.
This is not to imply that we have to give up and not try to keep our body healthy. We just need to have a balanced focus on what our ageing body can do and achieve.
I speak from my own experience.
I exercise a lot, but despite my yoga practices, mountain hiking, snow skiing, kayaking, bowling, swimming etc, my knees still needed surgical intervention and were replaced with titanium ones. And worse, the atrial node which helped my heart to pump suddenly snapped three years ago when I was 71.
It seemed illogical because the organ itself is healthy, no blocked arteries, no high cholesterol. And yet the collapse necessitated the fitting of a pacemaker! For someone who considered herself ultra fit for her age, this was like a slap in the face.
Then a lightbulb flashed.
It is humanly impossible to be completely immune to getting older, acquiring aches, pains and illnesses in our silver years. So, instead of pretending we are going to live forever, let us celebrate our life now, as we are today. We need to adopt a very healthy, strong emotional and mental attitude about ourselves. We need to engage with the pulse of life and be happy!
Despite my medical issues, I’m certainly not ready to die – yet!
You have a choice
Happiness contributes to your emotional and mental well-being.
To be happy, you must first accept responsibility for your actions and your thoughts. If you are dependent on others to be happy, it means you have given away your power. Take it back from whoever you have given it to!
Realise that you have a choice.
In whatever circumstances you find yourself, you can stay or you can move away from that situation.
For example, if you are in a job you hate, you can find another job that suits you better. If you’re in a toxic relationship, you can get out. If you decide to make the latter decision, you must be aware that sometimes this could mean that you end up with having less – less money, less comfortable lifestyle, less whatever.
But it is still a choice. Yes, a choice sometimes entails a price but it also gives you freedom, freedom to be who you want to be. If you want change, don’t moan and groan about your life. Do something actively about it to change your circumstances.
I'm Not Ready To Die: Living Life To The Fullest In Your Silver Years - Yoga Cat Posture
Keep our body healthy with activities like yoga.
Credit: Josephine Chia
Change begins with you
If you want to change the world, start by changing yourself!
There’s little gravitas in getting on a soapbox about such-and-such a thing or situation. Ask yourself how you as an individual can be the catalyst for change. If you want the world to be more eco-friendly, start by being eco-minded yourself. If you want the world to have fewer wars, fewer conflicts, then don’t post any negativity into the world. Be mindful about what you say or do.
Set yourself a small goal.
For example, each day, try not to say anything negative if you can. One of my yoga gurus used to say, “Your row of teeth acts like a fence. Don’t allow negative words to come out of your mouth.” The latter is a huge task. We can start with a little more control each day about our negativity.
Alone, you may think you can’t achieve much. But if people think collectively to be positive and see the good in others and bring good into the world, the sum-effect can be tremendous. Magical almost.
I'm Not Ready To Die: Living Life To The Fullest In Your Silver Years - Cooking Activities
Pass a talent to the young.
Credit: Josephine Chia
At this stage in our lives, when we are loosened from our family responsibilities, free from the struggles of career, free from amassing material things and wealth, we have the time and capacity to create a better world. We can become less self-centred and open ourselves to help or mentor the young to build up a world that they can be happy in.
Everyone possesses some talent or skill that they can pass to the young. It can be something simple, like knowing how to cook or something extraordinary like being good at music.

Find out what is yours. Don’t let it die with you. Share it. Pay-it-forward. Whatever help someone had given you in the past can be reciprocated by Paying-It-Forward to another person. Don’t do something for others to inflate your ego. Do it to enrich another person’s life.

I'm Not Ready To Die: Living Life To The Fullest In Your Silver Years - BBQ Activities
Volunteering at Sunlove Activity Centre and making friends.
Credit: Josephine Chia
Exercise and Strengthen the Mind
A weak mind finds obstacles in everything. A strong mind sees opportunities in everything it encounters. Over the years, you may have been led by the mind, allowing your myriads of thoughts to determine your mood and disposition. Start taking control of your mind. Be the driver rather than the vehicle.
Embark on a process of slowing down your thoughts.
Take time out to be on your own at some point in the day. Take a slow walk. Go and have a swim. Sit quietly. Be in nature to regain peace and quiet in your mind. Nature is a natural healer. Trees provide oxygen and are known to produce positive ions that help you to repair and heal. Read about the art of forest -bathing, or Shinrin-yoku, made popular by the Japanese.
Once there is space between your thoughts, you will become more relaxed. When your mind is not busily chattering away like a monkey, you will arrive at a point of creativity.
This is when you get in touch with your inner wisdom. This is the fount you can drink from, to inform your everyday life. This gives you a clearer perspective of how things really are.
You look at your challenges in life with new eyes. Negativity and fear cannot thrive in the exalted company of wisdom. Wisdom leads to strength.
You gain vitality. This surge of energy will power-boost your life and help you make clearer decisions; help you cope with whatever problems and ailments that come your way.
No transformation can take place in one attempt. It might take you several weeks or months to learn how to get to this space. But the more you try, the better you will be at getting there. It’s like learning how to cycle. Practice makes perfect.
I'm Not Ready To Die: Living Life To The Fullest In Your Silver Years - Yoga Dog Pose
Be in nature to regain peace.
Credit: Josephine Chia
Watch your breath
Zen, tai chi, yoga and other internal disciplines teach different techniques of watching your breath to help you to unwind and relax.
Tension and anxiety tighten the pectoral muscles in your chest, your neck and facial muscles and various parts of your body. This not only restricts blood flow but also the inner energy, called chi in Chinese, and prana in Sanskrit.
Such deprivation leads to organ deterioration and ill health. So, to keep your body in good health, you must relax. Take in deep breaths. Allow your breath to lengthen and flow.
Spend time outdoors.
Watch a sunrise or sunset. Feel the wind in your hair. See how a bird spreads its wings. Engage with the pulse of the universe. Once you are alive to the world around you, you will trigger the spark of joy in yourself, and in others. Then you will pulse with happiness.
This is when you know, you’re not ready to die.

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Josephine Chia

Josephine likes to engage with the pulse of life and she embraces nature in her daily pursuits.

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