The years 1964-66 were very interesting — not only because on 9 August 1965 we became the Republic of Singapore but also because of the events (some may even term these as “shenanigans”) around the lead-up to our final independence.
The racial riots of 1964 left a deep impression — some may call it a “scar” — and many of us were truly worried and even frightened at what prospects lay in wait.
Nerves were running high and tension was palpable. Much as our teachers tried to hide hard truths, it was abundantly obvious that major changes were bound to usher in a new and different ethos. My late Uncle was in the thick of things and though he did his best not to display anxiety, the various insinuations in the media — coming as they did from a variety of differing personalities with radically different perspectives — did not offer much comfort in what was to come. The hubbub left many wondering — and many others questioning — what had gone wrong.
They demanded that the “truth” be revealed.
And so it was.
Mr Lee Kuan Yew addressed the nation and in between wiping his clearly moist eyes told us that we had been kicked out of Malaysia!
The shock took minutes even hours to sink home. Neighbours chatted across fences just to confirm what they had heard. But it was too late to do much by way of not accepting our fate: Singapore was now out of Malaysia and had to embrace the future alone, without the larger community that had formed in the two preceding years. It was the start of a new chapter in our short history — and a new beginning.
Writing a New Chapter
The new chapter in our history began with a clear glimpse of Lee Kuan Yew wiping his eyes. After all his long-cherished dream of a “Malaysian Malaysia” was now, in a sense, shattered. Whatever the details of that critical meeting that is said to have taken place in Cameron Highlands between Tengku Abdul Rahman and Lee Kuan Yew one fact emerged: Singapore was on its own — no longer a part or partner of Malaysia.
Thus began the slow and arduous journey of the independent Republic of Singapore. In 1965, I was 15 and though still a teen it was abundantly evident that a truly historic transition had taken place.
Whether it was LKY’s oratory or his emotional self that made the impact, it was clear that most Singaporeans rallied behind him and resolved to ensure that we survived. Survival was our prime and major consideration, and all endeavours were directed to realising this goal. Crucial to this was the daily recitation of our National Pledge:
“We the citizens of Singapore pledge ourselves as one united people…”.
The Pledge remains sacred and sacrosanct.
As I look back at the tumultuous tensions and uncertainties we faced in those early years of our Republic’s nationhood, I can never state that we were despondent or unable to push forward. Yes, it will be folly to try and claim that everything was hunky-dory. Far from it.
But one thing was totally clear and universally accepted, as LKY said, we were now on our own and we had to shape our own destiny. All the doubts and unpredictable consequences notwithstanding, Singapore was now the youngest new nation on planet Earth and her citizens were committed to ensuring the nation survived.
And she did.
Indeed, Singapore gloriously more than survived! She soared and within a decade of Independence — by 1975 — we were showing ample signs of “earned success”, a reward that even opponents of LKY had to acknowledge as “real”.
Surival And Growth
There’s not much need for me to go into all the many new legislations and policies and rules and regulations that were mooted and passed in Parliament and embraced by all branches of our young Republic. The Legislature, the Executive and the Judiciary had to be built on strong and impartial foundations without regard to race, language or religion. It was for the young an exciting and sometimes bewildering phase of history. But LKY kept sharing his vision of a thriving young nation bent upon making a mark in history.
Slowly but surely, he said, Singapore would build her muscles and demonstrate what is achievable when citizens band together in order not so much to “show off” but essentially to survive. Survival was the foremost goal — all else could come afterwards.
And so we worked hard — very hard — and despite all the trauma and pain, we pushed and pushed and soon began to experience for ourselves the fruits of our determination. More and more nations began to realise that there was indeed a new kid on the block in Southeast Asia and that this kid was unrelenting in its efforts to succeed, and succeed with distinction.
And so, today, as we celebrate our 57th year of independence we can proudly claim to have surpassed all expectations and put paid to any misgivings anyone might have harboured.
Before LKY passed on, he said, movingly, while strolling through the Gardens By the Bay, that looking around he was glad we did what we did. He felt all the sacrifices were more than worth it.
And so as we celebrate our National Day, we cannot ever forget or ignore the harsh lessons we learned along our journey to full and complete Independence. We live in a world crippled by numerous setbacks — the pandemic just being one.
It remains for others to evaluate the progress and strides our young and tiny island nation has taken.
For my generation, our Singapore is a miracle — a miracle realised through hard sacrifice and unwavering faith.