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The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore’s Enduring Radio Star

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The name Brian Richmond needs no introduction. Most famous for his 50-year radio and television career, he officially retired from the radio scene in 2022.
But he couldn’t stay away from the airwaves for long – these days, he’s on Vintage Radio, a digital streaming radio station available online or via its mobile app.
The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore's Enduring Radio Star
Image courtesy of Brian Richmond
Brian is unassuming, for someone who has been a celebrity for so much of his life. He matter-of-factly shares his age – 76 years old – and the things that matter to him.
His stardom didn’t start in broadcasting.
Brian Richmond: The local football star
The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore's Enduring Radio Star - Captain of the National Youth Team
Image courtesy of Brian Richmond
Brian was part of the National Youth team playing for Malaysia (Singapore was one of the states of the federation in 1964). After a match, Selangor captain Mazlan Harun, son of Selangor’s then Chief Minister Harun Idris invited him to play for Selangor.
Brian was tempted, but that would mean that he would have to move out of Singapore.

"I was 15 years old, and when I told my girlfriend Sue (now wife of over 54 years) that I would have to move to Malaysia, tears streamed down her face and my heart melted. I opted to remain."

Brian went on to join Singapore’s national soccer team in 1970. He was invited by the legendary coach Choo Seng Quee (whom many still claim has been Singapore’s best football coach).

"I felt privileged to have been asked, although the first match was a goodwill mission that took place after the Konfrontasi between Singapore and Indonesia."

Unfortunately, Brian’s football career was stalled by an accident that caused a bad leg injury during a game with South Korea not long after that trip.
His leg did not get any better despite multiple treatments.
It was only after prolonged absences from soccer practice months later that a concerned fan got his company driver to send Brian for treatment at the Singapore General Hospital.

"I was diagnosed with a severe hairline fracture. I stopped football after that. I had no choice."

Brian is self-deprecating about his football career.

"As much as you want people to acknowledge the fact that you’ve played football for the country, I don’t tell people, hey this is what happened. That’s history lah."

During the time when Brian was healing from his leg injury, he started freelancing for radio – both Rediffusion, as well as the nascent FM radio stations. In fact, Brian got his start at Radio Five, a classical radio music station, now known as Symphony 92.4FM!
His football career also opened up other opportunities for him.
Brian Richmond: The television host
A TV sports producer who had interviewed Brian when he was playing football thought of him when he was looking for people to cover the South East Asian Peninsular Games in 1971 (the precursor to the South East Asian Games (SEA Games)) and offered him a television anchor role for their live coverage.
Despite having no experience in television, Brian jumped in for this opportunity.
But he did such a good job that when the Games were over, Brian was invited to be joint presenter for the weekly Friday night Sports Parade with Fong Hoe Beng, another household name. That was a must-watch programme to get the latest news on local and international sports.
The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore's Enduring Radio Star - Interview With Pele
Image courtesy of Brian Richmond
After that, Brian’s television career took off.
That was THE biggest local television show then, as just about everyone watched Talentime. It was the launch pad for anyone who wanted a career in entertainment because vinyls would be cut for the participants and they would get performance gigs after the show.
The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore's Enduring Radio Star - With Susan Ng co-hosting Talentime
Image courtesy of Brian Richmond
After Talentime, Brian sealed his reputation as a emcee with many other television shows and live events like Telefun, Countdown 1986 and even the Asia Pacific Country Rock ‘N’ Roll Charity Music Festival in 2005.
Brian Richmond: The radio deejay
Brian’s most enduring legacy must surely be his radio career which spanned over 50 years.
He may have started off at classical radio station Radio Five, but his stint there did not last long – Brian was so exhausted juggling his many commitments that he fell asleep on-air.

"We were playing vinyls then, and it comes to an end with the needle making a scratchy sound."

The effect was a few minutes of quite literally, radio silence.
The sound engineer monitoring the station ran into the studio and woke him up.
He got his wish: Four weeks later, Brian was invited to work at the English pop station Radio One (there was only one at the time).
The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore's Enduring Radio Star - With Andy Williams
Image courtesy of Brian Richmond
The name for Radio One was changed to One FM 90.5 and eventually Gold 90.5FM that we know today in 1998. Brian had his own shows over the years at Gold 90.5 FM – The Vintage Showcase, Gold Breakfast Show, Gold Afternoons, Sundays with Brian. It was during this time that he developed a strong fan base.
Brian is also likely the most awarded radio personality today. In 2005, he was recognised with the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Singapore Radio Awards. He had also won other accolades like Most Popular Radio Personality and Friendliest Radio Personality over the years as well.
Despite so many successes, Brian is quick to add that he shies away from being feted and recognised.
Brian Richmond: The family man
Despite giving the impression of taking life as it comes, family has always been important to Brian, possibly because of his own history.

"I came from a broken family; my father wanted me to be aborted and my parents separated. My mother had no time to look after me, so I was fostered to a Malay family whom I lived with. I was put into boarding school from primary three until secondary four. The old lady, whom I called auntie, loved me."

The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore's Enduring Radio Star - Baby
Image courtesy of Brian Richmond
As such, he made a conscious effort to be actively involved with his family. In fact, he has had such influence on his sons that both Mark and Don followed his footsteps to become radio deejays at different points in their lives.
These days, family remains his focus and the apple of his eye is clearly his grandson Sol, who lives in Orlando pursuing a pro-golf career. Brian lights up as he talks about Sol.
The Many Sides Of Brian Richmond – Singapore's Enduring Radio Star - Brian with Grandson Sol
Image courtesy of Brian Richmond

"He's taken to me like a friend. He calls me 'Gramps' and my wife 'Nana'. I cannot allow him to grow up without grandparents. I listen to him and encourage him to play the guitar. He knows the rock music of the '70s, like Deep Purple. I sing a few opening bars and he carries on."

Things That May Surprise You about Brian Richmond

"They had ups and downs, and it’s good to understand the human side of these legends."

Brian Richmond is on air at Vintage Radio every Mondays to Fridays, 10am – 12pm.

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