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Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond

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Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
When she retired with visions of spending time by the beach, little did Margaret Moses D’Cruz reckon on doing just that, only with a much larger purpose.After more than 40 years with Singapore’s largest rail system supplier, Alstom, the 72-year-old found herself embarking on a second – and very challenging – career as a global environmental activist at Ocean Purpose Project (OPP).
Having built a successful career, rising through the ranks and culminating in the role of Head of human resources at Alstom, she had a few choices: Remain retired after a lifetime of long hours working across multiple time zones, or come out of a decade of retirement and use the full weight of her wisdom and experience to support the groundbreaking work of OPP, which her daughter Mathilda founded.
Margaret (or Madam Margaret as she is addressed at work) is now the Chief Operating Officer at OPP, coordinating a team of three and handling Accounts, HR, recruitment, processing, onboarding, logistics and other ad hoc tasks.

There’s a perception that as a retiree, life is over, just relax, go out with friends, have lunches out, watch movies. For me, this is the time to do something for the community, something that brings a change in behaviour. The whole world is suffering because of climate change and plastic waste.

Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Clear Waste
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project

"Most of us on this island are pretty complacent because we feel safe. We know that someone will clean our waste, we assume that someone will combat rising sea levels, someone will solve climate change. Seeing my daughter turn an ocean pollution health issue into a way for everyone to step up and lead change made me realise that supporting my daughter out of love also benefits humanity. After all, aren’t we all humans living on the same planet?"

Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Seaweed at Pasir Ris Beach
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
It was a pivotal moment, the kind that we all face at different points in our lives. In Margaret’s case, it wasn’t about supporting her daughter in a commercial venture. It was about bringing to light an environmental crisis which had directly impacted – for life – on Mathilda’s health.
Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Waste
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
After being exposed to polluted seawater during a dragon boat competition in the Philippines, Mathilda was diagnosed with autoimmune conditions — vitiligo, arthritis, digestive issues and muscular spasms.
As a four-time cancer survivor herself, Margaret is no stranger to long-term illness and how it impacts every facet of life and relationships.
Rising from the blow that would change her life, Mathilda became determined not only to raise awareness about ocean pollution but to ideate global solutions from her home in Pasir Ris.
Following corporate roles in large organisations in various industries like pharmaceuticals, finance, telecommunications and media, Mathilda founded OPP in 2020, and serves as its CEO.
Ocean Purpose Project launches to a pandemic
Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - During Covid
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
OPP was launched as the world walked right into the COVID-19 pandemic.
Margaret was empowered by an insight that she’d lived and worked by.

"You have to have the resilience and the willpower, and the positive mindset to face any challenge. I said we can do it together. Every problem has a solution. It’s all about how you look at it. If you think positively and assure yourself that you can find a solution, then you can."

So, in the depths of the pandemic, when so many lives and businesses ground to a halt, Margaret and Mathilda switched gear and ran a campaign to collect and deliver supplies – soap, toothbrushes, groceries, even cooked food – to migrant workers who could not leave their dormitories.
Between April and July 2020, the dynamic duo and their staff and volunteers cooked and sent 220,000 healthy meals with protein, vegetables, rice and fruit to migrant workers in Tuas South dormitory. Some 7,000 sets of toiletries donated by Singaporean musicians and neighbours were also despatched to migrant workers around the island purely through collaborations.
Mother and daughter leveraged on Mathilda’s background as a Singapore Idol finalist to create livestream shows and to raise funds and bring joy to pandemic-hit online audiences in Singapore and India. After that came small beach clean-ups as life slowly returned to normal.
Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Back to normal
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
Fast forward to 2024, and OPP is an award-winning and internationally recognised social enterprise and research centre. Its work in helping solve the ocean plastic crisis focuses on three areas: Converting plastic to fuel; developing viable bioplastics; and behaviour change.
It is regularly included on the panels of global climate and sustainability conferences such as the UN Ocean Conference 2022 in Lisbon, G20 Indonesia, COP27 and Oceans@Duke Blue Economy Summit 2023.
Stitched into Ocean Purpose Project
Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Margaret & Mathilda at beach clean-up
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project

"It wasn’t easy for her to switch industries, especially such a complex one which many people struggle to understand"

Today she can commandeer conversations with engineers and PhDs at international conferences; give media interviews in multiple languages, decipher complex contracts and unpack project timelines and project financing. Her intuition is legendary – from sussing out questionable agendas to bringing joy and motivation to a team. As a daughter I am proud to see her flexing those corporate muscles.

For so long, she was not a part of my life’s adventures, and now she’s an integral part of them. I love that we can go shopping and have brunch but also work as a team at UN conferences. People often find our mother-daughter conversations bizarre – her wealth of current affairs knowledge and detailed information of every power station and train line is riveting.

"So much of ‘Madam Margaret’ is stitched into OPP – not just the SOPs she’s stuck on the wall, the exercise warm ups she leads at the beach clean-ups, the lovingly-tended herb garden or the global leaders who are enthralled by her beauty and brains. I'm so happy to have built this dream together with her."

The beautiful location of the office in Singapore’s north-east Pasir Ris beach, sheltered by sweeping raintrees and pulsing with insect calls, birdsong and butterflies is a reminder of all that we could lose down the road if the ocean pollution crisis – or the entire environmental crisis, for that matter – is not headed off.
Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Work with different parties
NTU, Bluefield Renewable Energy and Ocean Purpose Project teams up to turn plastic trash into treasure
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
It is also a foil to the immense and often gruelling challenges of working on a global cause, which many parties in Singapore are working to tackle. From beach clean-ups – an important part of the work to change behaviour – to ideating technology to turn ocean plastic waste into hydrogen and create seaweed bioplastics, OPP works in partnership with several government agencies, NGOs, academia and corporates in Singapore and overseas.
Why I do what I do

3 Forces To Build Strong Teams

Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Debrief team
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
In her life in the corporate world, Margaret D’Cruz developed a strong understanding of team dynamics, which she brings with her into Ocean Purpose Project.

"Human beings are complex and building trust takes time. But everything we do in life is about trust, whether it is trust in others or in ourselves. To win trust, you must give trust. I have built a career based on integrity and trust — it is a priceless quality that is rare. Once you have it, nothing is impossible."

"I had been told that I was too ‘soft’ in my HR role of managing a multinational staff of more than 100, many of them experts in their field. So I got to know them as individuals just like me, dealing with work, family, health, financial issues and more. These relationships helped us understand each other at a deeper level, and helped me to better manage them, which translated into tangible results at our high-risk workplace environment. Many of them are still friends today."

"Even though I worked in an MNC under five different bosses, the approach was always one of sharing knowledge as peers, learning from each other and from others. No one knows everything about everything. I believe in constantly learning and taking the challenge to find answers – hard to do at 70 but all the more rewarding when we work as a team."

The impact of Ocean Purpose Project so far

Ocean Purpose Project Revives the Environment, from Pasir Ris and Beyond - Lightbulb moment on Pasir Ris Beach
Image courtesy of Ocean Purpose Project
Since its founding, OPP has broken new ground and made waves in different ways, from Pasir Ris to the world.
plastic waste collected. 10% of it was converted into hydrogen – the only clean up in the world to do so – for partner testing
0 kg
seaweed bioplastic beach clean-up, a first in Singapore
0 %
planted in Indonesia – reforesting a sea bed in Bali that was devastated by trawler fishing; supporting locals to pivot from dynamite fishing to coral conservation
0 coral reef stars
of carbon that OPP’s recycled solar panels have offset since 2022
0 tonnes
planted in Pasir Ris and Indonesia as well as numerous local Ayurvedic, Jamu and Traditional Chinese Medicine Herbs as free plant-based medicine for Pasir Ris
0 trees
from around the world who learnt about Pasir Ris’ wildlife and native seaweed at an OPP online webinar
0 participants
to OPP Beach Hub in Pasir Ris
0 visitors
have participated in OPP’s regular beach clean-ups at Pasir Ris
0 people

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