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Grandparents For A Different Age

Grandparents For A Different Age

Being a grandparent is an evolving role. How you interacted with your grandparents isn’t how you interact with your grandchildren.

Improve Family Bonding By Playing Pickleball

Improve Family Bonding By Playing Pickleball

The recent rise of pickleball as a leisure sport has attracted silvers to pick up the paddles and smack some balls on court. It’s a game you can play at your own pace, though it’s not without its risks.

3-generation Family Fun on The High Seas

3-generation Family Fun On The High Seas

A cruising holiday allows you to do your own thing, or interact as a 3-generationa family, if you wish. Cruise ships offer a host of activities that will appeal to a wide range of passengers.

Urban Lingo

Urban lingo

Time to pick up on the acronyms that are peppering many of our messages. Here are a few to start things of.

7 Business Advantages of Being a Silver

7 Business Advantages of Being a Silver

Laletha Nithiyanandan moved from being the youngest to among the elders in the boardroom. The years have been kind to her business and career, and she wants to return the favour.

Working Across Generations

Working Across Generations

The inaugural SilverStreak discussion, Turning Silver Into Gold, raised a range of issues about the role of the silver generation in society.

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We’re a community created by silvers for silvers, brought together by a sense of curiosity and desire to live the next phase of our lives with joy and purpose. Expect useful tips and uncommon wisdom to enjoy living fuller for longer.

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